Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Viacom Not Playing Nicely on YouTube

So, here's an interesting story. Viacom is claiming copyright infringement from a user on YouTube for posting a show from VH1. You ask yourself, "So? What's new?" Well, what's new was, the user had posted something original to YouTube, and VH1 took the clip from YouTube and put it on their VH1 show. All he was doing in return was posting the show on YouTube to show his original work. I know, that's a lot to take in.

Let's put it in perspective. I video myself and put it on YouTube. VH1 finds my video, then puts it on their show and calls it "Fair Use". I in turn, put the show that shows my YouTube video, back on YouTube, and they tell me I can't do it.

It looks like there is a legal battle over it all. Go check out the story for some more info. All in all, you say potato, I say patato. You know?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Elton John is Not A Fan of the Internet

Apparently, Elton John isn't a fan of the internet. A post on cnet's news blog reported on an article in The Sun where he states he thinks:

"...it would be an incredible experiment to shut down the whole Internet for five years and see what sort of art is produced over that span."

While I understand he's advocating the arts can be so much better when there's physical collaboration, I think it's a bit close-minded to believe the Internet should be shut down because it has changed a medium of expression. Think of the information and convenience we would lose if we no longer had the internet. I mean, are you saying I would actually have to talk to people in person that I couldn't communicate with on Facebook?

Update Aug. 12, 10:09PM: Elton John has a pretty nice website for someone who hates the internet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Google Eye 700 mhz Spectrum

I came across a blog today on CNET.com that attempted to predict the future of Google and how they could be poised to destroy the cell phone industry. Although it's mostly a tongue-in-cheek prophecy, Don Reisinger states in this blog that:

" ...people will be tossing their iPhones, Razrs and every other cell phone into the nearest river."

It is a pretty interesting take on the news that has come out recently regarding Google's plan to buy the 700 mhz pipeline. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have free broadband anywhere you want. The future seems so bright, especially for techie's.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Typing 101: How to Use the Space Bar

I've been trying to change my ways ever since I read a blog entry from my friend Kevin about the amount of spaces after a period, where he states:

"two spaces is a relic from the days of typewriters"

I have found that this type of change is not something you can do overnight. I've been taught ever since the time of Mavis Beacon that I must use 2 spaces after each sentence. At work alone, I probably write at least 30 to 40 emails a day. It's just not that easy. I need to retrain my eyes, fingers, and most importantly my brain to keep up with the times. I feel if continue to use something from the past, then how can I be on the cutting edge of technology. I know, flawed thinking indeed.