Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gmail Team Introduces Themes and Colors

With email hooked up to my Samsung Instinct, I don't always sign in to my Gmail account on a PC. I happened to log in today and notice something a little different. Gmail now offers colors and themes for your inbox. The Gmail team announced it on their blog earlier this week.

While I tend to be a minimalist when it comes to my desktop (I still use the old-school Windows desktop theme instead of the XP theme), I think it's great that Google continues to evolve their products. They create products that are robust and simple and then continue to make them better.

There are 15 new colors and 15 themes for your inbox. The funniest them by far (probably because I'm such a geek) has to be the "terminal" theme. It changes your entire inbox into a green-screen AS400/Bboard theme. Classic.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Technology Archives from Kyle's World of Content

I decided to port some older technology posts from my other blog, Kyle's World of Content, to this blog. It will hopefully give you some perspective and context for my current blogging. I hope you enjoy!