Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Google Eye 700 mhz Spectrum

I came across a blog today on CNET.com that attempted to predict the future of Google and how they could be poised to destroy the cell phone industry. Although it's mostly a tongue-in-cheek prophecy, Don Reisinger states in this blog that:

" ...people will be tossing their iPhones, Razrs and every other cell phone into the nearest river."

It is a pretty interesting take on the news that has come out recently regarding Google's plan to buy the 700 mhz pipeline. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have free broadband anywhere you want. The future seems so bright, especially for techie's.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Typing 101: How to Use the Space Bar

I've been trying to change my ways ever since I read a blog entry from my friend Kevin about the amount of spaces after a period, where he states:

"two spaces is a relic from the days of typewriters"

I have found that this type of change is not something you can do overnight. I've been taught ever since the time of Mavis Beacon that I must use 2 spaces after each sentence. At work alone, I probably write at least 30 to 40 emails a day. It's just not that easy. I need to retrain my eyes, fingers, and most importantly my brain to keep up with the times. I feel if continue to use something from the past, then how can I be on the cutting edge of technology. I know, flawed thinking indeed.